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Schaums Plane Geometry Rich, Bar...
Schaums has Satisfied Students for 50 Years Now Schaums Biggest Sellers are in New Editions For - ISBN10: 0070522456 ISBN13: 9780070522459 Material Type: paperback
Educability and group difference...
Jensen is a controversial figure, largely for his conclusions based on his and other research regard - ISBN10: 0060121947 ISBN13: 9780060121945 Material Type: hardcover
The New Math: A Political Histor...
An era of sweeping cultural change in America, the postwar years saw the rise of beatniks and hippies, the birth of feminism, and the release of the first video game It was also the era of new math...
The Texas Book: Profiles, Histor...
As the University of Texas at Austin celebrates its 125th anniversary, it can justly claim to be a university of the first class, as mandated in the Texas Constitution The universitys faculty and s...
Barrons Ap Calculus David Bock a...
Barrons AP Calculus, 12th Edition ISBN10: 1438002041 ISBN13: 9781438002040 Material Type: paperback
One Hundred Years of Solitude [C...
This history of a family is an amalgamation of Garcia Marquezs shorter fiction, American fiction, biblical parables, and quixotic experiences of his own unique life story His is a community crowded...
The Program Evaluation Standards...
The Second Edition of this volume is the result of an extensive review process by the Joint Committee of the original Standards for Evaluations of Educational Programs, Projects, and Materials publ...
Hells Guest Frazier, Col Glenn D
It was the 1930s in southern Alabama where cotton and cornfields were the backdrop of my childhood stage I was growing up just like everyone elsewrapped in a simple and predictable way of life Folk...
Building SMU: A Warm and Persona...
book on Southern Methodist University ISBN10: 1884363075 ISBN13: 9781884363078 Material Type: hardcover
Creerle a Dios Spanish Edition M...
Join bestselling author Beth Moore as she explores what it means to know and truly believe God, not just to believe IN Him Acompae a Beth Moore, clebre escritora, mientras explora lo que significa ...
Arithmetic the Easy Way Barrons ...
Everybody uses arithmetic on virtually a daily basis, and this book serves as a handy brushup for general readers while it also helps students master basic skills that they need before moving up to...
The Friars: The Impact of the Ea...
A study of the origins, growth and influence of the mendicant preaching orders that arose in the early thirteenth century around the charismatic figures of St Francis and St Dominic, to help the me...
The GardenVille Method [Paperbac...
Malcolm Beck is known throughout the country as a leading authority and practitioner in the field of organic growing Widely soughtafter as a speaker on the subject, Becks homespun approach to farmi...
Carson Dellosa Common Core Lang...
Build a foundation and focus on what matters most for language arts and reading readiness with Language Arts 4 Today: The Common Core Edition for fifth grade This 96page comprehensive supplement co...
Balancing Literacy: A Balanced A...
Book by Coleman, Caroline A ISBN10: 1574717014 ISBN13: 9781574717013 Material Type: paperback
Craft Lessons Fletcher, Ralph an...
Craft is the cauldron in which the writing gets forgedRalph Fletcher and JoAnn Portalupi argue that too often we concentrate on the beginning and ending of the writing processconceiving and correct...
The Craft of Teaching: A Guide t...
An immensely valuable book for young college teachers and it has much to say to teachers of all levels and ages?ChoiceEbles book dispenses wisdom in the form of practical advice to both beginning a...
Fiske Guide to Getting into the ...
GET ACCEPTED TO THE COLLEGE THATS RIGHT FOR YOUEveryone has their own idea of the perfect college, and the best place for you to spend your college years may not be the most academically prestigiou...
I Can Do That With My Kid: Famil...
Help Children Read and Writeand build their confidence along the wayThe easy and fun activities in this book can help children develop the skills they need to succeed in schoolWith this book you ca...
Reaching the Stars Shain, Ruchoma
Reference book about teaching experience and stories in and out of the classroom ISBN10: 0873065131 ISBN13: 9780873065139 Material Type: hardcover