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Science Fiction & Fantasy
The Hereafter Gang [Hardcover] B...
On a hot summer Texas afternoon, Cindy Nance introduces young Doug Hoover to the two great secrets o - ISBN10: 0929480546 ISBN13: 9780929480541 Material Type: hardcover
The Gathering Storm Wheel of Tim...
The Wheel of Time is now an original series on Prime Video, starring Rosamund Pike as MoiraineWith Robert Jordans untimely passing in 2007, Brandon Sanderson, the New York Times bestselling author ...
The 4th Dimension: Toward a Geom...
A noted mathematician explores the metaphysical areas of modern physics and the fourth dimension to explain the history, geometry, and mysticism of a higher reality - ISBN10: 0395344204 ISBN13: 978...
Angelmass Zahn, Timothy
The Pax Comitus, rulers of Earth, send a spy, Kostas, into the heart of the Empyrean colonies, who have long resisted the power of the Pax, to investigate the mysterious angels, particles emitted b...
To Visit the Queen Cat Novel Dua...
Rhiow, Urruah, and Arhu, the wizard cats who saved New York City in The Book of Night with Moon, are summoned to London to deal with a crisis which affects the very fabric of time ISBN10: 04466731...
The Andromeda Strain Crichton, M...
This book recounts the fiveday history of a major American scientific crisis As in most crises, the events surrounding the Andromeda Strain were a compound of foresight and foolishness, innocence a...
Decipher [Hardcover] Pavlou, Stel
MANKIND HAS HAD 12,000 YEARS TO DECIPHER THE MESSAGE,WE HAVE ONE WEEK LEFTThere is a signal emanating from deep within the ice of Antarctica Atlantis has awoken Ancient monuments all over the world...
Batman Forever the Official Comi...
Official Adaptation of the Movie, Batman Forever ISBN10: 1563891999 ISBN13: 9781563891991 Material Type: paperback
The Star Trek: The Lost era: 232...
With the Klingon Empire and the Cardassian Union struggling over a region of space held sacred by the Klingons, the Federation sends Ambassador Curzon Dax to preserve interstellar stability by nego...
Captains Peril Star Trek Shatner...
Captains James Kirk and JeanLuc Picard join a group of scientists at an ancient ruin on Bajor, where the team is targeted by a murderous stalker, Kirk becomes involved with a seductive alien, and P...
Magic: The Final Fantasy Collect...
Isaac Asimov and science fiction are one and the same to millions of readers He was the fields transcendent genius, its reigning prophet, its genial patriarch, and its most prolific author But Asim...
I Sing the Body Electric Bradbur...
A great collection of stories from the master of fantasy: The Kilimanjaro Device, The Terrible Conflagration up at the Place, Tomorrows Child, The Women, The Inspired Chicken Motel, Downwind From G...
To Hold Infinity [Hardcover] Mea...
Devastated by her husbands death, Earthbased biologist Yoshiko Sunadomari journeys to the paradise world of Fulgar to see her estranged son in the hope of bridging the gulf between them But Tetsuo ...
Sing the Four Quarters Huff, Tanya
Renouncing her royal heritage in order to pursue her gifts as a Bardic caller of elemental spirits, Princess Annice is forced to flee from her own people when she rescues the father of her child fr...
The Wandering Fire The Fionavar ...
Set in Fionavar, a world populated by wizards, warriors, spirits, and the heroes of myths, the story follows five young mortals trapped in deadly combat against the forces of the High Kingdom of Br...
Star Trek: Enterprise: Daedalus ...
An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: EnterpriseOctober 5, 2140 After a halfdozen years of research and testing, Starfleet prepares to launch its first warp 5 vesselDaedalus Propelled...
Wielding a Red Sword Incarnation...
Mym, an Indian prince in a land dominated totally by rajahs, assumes the role of War and, in his new incarnation, sets out to alleviate injustice and undermine the evil power of Satan ISBN10: 0345...
Anne McCaffreys The Unicorn Girl...
Behold Acorna, the Unicorn GirlDiscovered as an infant and adopted by threegruff asteroid miners, she has now grown into a beautiful youngwoman with delicate, ivory fur and silken skin, the tiny ho...
2010: Odyssey Two [Paperback] Ar...
fiction ISBN10: B002GXATCS ISBN13: 978B002GXATC0 Material Type: paperback
Red Giants White Dwarfs [Hardco...
ISBN10: B0012C0TVU ISBN13: 978B0012C0TV5 Material Type: hardcover
The Sword in the Stone [Paperbac...
BOOK ISBN10: B0000CLYBR ISBN13: 978B0000CLYB2 Material Type: paperback