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A Rockwell Portrait: An Intimate...
First edition Illustrated biography 285, 3 pages cloth, dust jacket 8vo - ISBN10: B0006CYB7U ISBN13: B0006CYB7U Material Type: hardcover
Backgammon for Profit Dwek, Joe
Covers backgammon board strategy at all stages of the game, with diagrams for each play, charts of p - ISBN10: 0812823133 ISBN13: 9780812823134 Material Type: paperback
The Tao of PoohThe Te of Piglet ...
Explains Taoism by the way WinniethePooh lives by its principles, and the Taoist principle of Te, - ISBN10: 0525486097 ISBN13: 9780525486091 Material Type: hardcover
Beyond Tells: Power Poker Psycho...
A psychotherapist and poker columnist offers tips on anticipating players behavior by analyzing their mental and physical approaches to the game - ISBN10: 0818406488 ISBN13: 9780818406485 Material ...
Mathematical Bafflers Dover Recr...
Let the puzzlist beware: Mathematical Bafflers will disappoint those seeking the simple, straightforward, drudgerewarding problem: it will delight those who have despaired of a truly challenging co...
The Gentle Art of Mathematics Do...
This lighthearted work uses a variety of practical applications and puzzles to take a look at todays mathematical trends In nine chapters, Professor Pedoe covers mathematical games; chance and choi...
A Rockwell Portrait: An Intimate...
First edition Illustrated biography 285, 3 pages cloth, dust jacket 8vo - ISBN10: B0006CYB7U ISBN13: B0006CYB7U Material Type: hardcover
A Homecoming Christmas: Sensing ...
In A Homecoming Family Christmas, Bill and Gloria Gaither and their Homecoming friends have created a magnificent celebration of Christmas in words and pictures This elegantly designed treasure is ...
Texas Bad Girls: Hussie, Harlots...
Sometimes humorous, sometimes tongueincheek, sometimes deeply sad and movingsuch are the biographies of fifteen Texas bad girls ISBN10: 1556228333 ISBN13: 9781556228339 Material Type: paperback
The Rules of Neighborhood Poker ...
Heres a chance to learn the 200 real rules of poker, including descriptions of the characters, the right food and the wrong food to serve; betting strategies that keep players from losing too much ...
The Spirit: The Movie Visual Com...
Will Eisners classic comics character makes the leap to the screen in this spectacular new liveaction movie written and directed by Frank Miller Sin City, 300, and starring Gabriel Macht as The Spi...
AwardWinning Chess Problems Offi...
Each of these 125 problems has won top prize in one of the many chess competitions held throughout the worldand they will help hone players skills so that even beginners can learn to become winners...
Victorious Faith [Paperback] Gxe...
Semear Juntos Religio 4 F1 La 2 Ed20 - ISBN10: 0882640062 ISBN13: 9780882640068 Material Type: paperback
Leo Rostens Carnival of Wit: Fro...
A collection of more than five thousand wisecracks, adlibs, malapropisms, puns, and oneliners by famous personalities includes such topics as Beauty, Chastity, Nature, and Lust By the author of The...
Read My Lips, Make My Day, Eat Q...
From the gala Walden Fifth Reunion to the second coming of King Elvis, Pulitzer Prizewinner Garry Trudeau peppers his political and social satire across the pages of this semiannual Doonesbury coll...
I Has a Hotdog: What Your Dog Is...
I HAS A BWAIN1An you thawt we dint Now Professor Happycat tells you whats in it and, from I HAS A HOTDOGcom and beyond, lets over 200 LOLdogs loose on the world, all barking the truth about kibble,...
Talking as Fast as I Can: From G...
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER In this collection of personal essays, the beloved star of Gilmore Girls and Parenthood reveals stories about life, love, and working as a woman in Hollywoodalong with be...
Babys in Black: Astrid Kirchherr...
A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA fascinating, exhilarating portrait of the Beatles in their early yearsMeet the Beatles right at the beginning of their careers This gorgeous, highenergy graphic nove...
Do Diapers Give You Leprosy? Wha...
Book by Alterman, Ira ISBN10: 0880320001 ISBN13: 9780880320009 Material Type: paperback
Official Rules of Card Games [Ma...
60th Edition ISBN10: B000E1W008 ISBN13: 978B000E1W001 Material Type: mass_market
The Ultimate Dirty Joke Book Oxb...
THE DIRTIEST, MOST HILARIOUS JOKES EVER ALLOWED IN PRINTWorldfamous comedians Harry P Ness and Mike Oxbent think about it have joined together to create over 1200 of the dirtiest, filthiest, nastie...
Dont Let the Turkeys Get You Dow...
Dedicated to Whom It May Concern, Dont Let the Turkeys Get You Down is Sandra Boyntons hilarious commentary and 150 fullcolor drawings identifying the ubiquitous turkeys distinguishing characterist...