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LEE An Abridgment in one Volume ...
Red ribbon attached, 601 pages, 1982, 6 14 By 9 12, - ISBN10: B001UYOO3Y ISBN13: B001UYOO3Y Material Type: hardcover
Leonard Bernstein: A Life Secres...
The most insightful and engrossing work we have had from the widely admired biographer of Frank Lloy - ISBN10: 0679407316 ISBN13: 9780679407317 Material Type: hardcover
Isabella: From Auschwitz to Free...
Gathering two classic memoirs of the Holocaust, Fragments of Isabella and Saving the Fragments, a te - ISBN10: 0385473184 ISBN13: 9780385473187 Material Type: paperback
The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel How...
In 1837, Samuel Gridley Howe, the ambitious director of Bostons Perkins Institution for the Blind, - ISBN10: 0312420293 ISBN13: 9780312420291 Material Type: paperback
Tom Landry: An Autobiography Lan...
The former coach of the Dallas Cowboys offers a personal look at his philosophy and faith, his manag - ISBN10: 0310529107 ISBN13: 9780310529101 Material Type: hardcover
Daybook: The Journal of an Artis...
The diary of the wellknown sculptor, begun by Truitt with the determination to come to terms with t - ISBN10: 0140069631 ISBN13: 9780140069631 Material Type: paperback
The Wicked Ways of Malcolm McLar...
The biography of the individual who introduced the likes of the New York Dolls, Sex Pistols, Sid Vic - ISBN10: 0060962046 ISBN13: 9780060962043 Material Type: paperback
How Sweet the Sound : The Story ...
The story of John Newton and William Cowper, authors of some of the greatest hymns in the world, such as Amazing Grace, There Is a Fountain, and Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken We have heard the...
Recording Your Family History: A...
Explains how to conduct an audio or video interview with an elderly relative or friend, offers advice on recording equipment, and suggests questions to ask about each stage of a persons life - ISBN...
A ColdBlooded Business: Adultery...
In 1959, Olathe, Kansas was made famous by the murder of the Clutter family and Truman Capotes groundbreaking book on the crime, In Cold Blood But fewer know that Olathe achieved notoriety again in...
A Lifetime of Church [Paperback]...
A Lifetime of Church - ISBN10: 1594673357 ISBN13: 9781594673351 Material Type: paperback
Lessons From the Life of Moody S...
DL Moody, an untrained, unordained layman has been called the most famous clergyman of the nineteenth century Credited with establishing three schools, including the Moody Bible Institute, a church...
Archimedes: What Did He Do Besid...
Many people have heard two things about Archimedes: he was the greatest mathematician of antiquity, and he ran naked from his bath crying Eureka However, few people are familiar with the actual acc...
Washington: A Life [Hardcover] C...
From National Book Award winner Ron Chernow, a landmark biography of George WashingtonIn Washington: A Life celebrated biographer Ron Chernow provides a richly nuanced portrait of the father of our...
Texas Bad Girls: Hussie, Harlots...
Sometimes humorous, sometimes tongueincheek, sometimes deeply sad and movingsuch are the biographies of fifteen Texas bad girls ISBN10: 1556228333 ISBN13: 9781556228339 Material Type: paperback
Ron Dunn: His Life and Mission O...
Ron Dunn 1936 2001 was an international itinerate Bible teacher whose life still inspires many of todays most influential pastors In this new biography, fellow disciple Ron Owens writes to pass al...
Custers Fall: The Indian Side of...
The Right Man: The Surprise Pres...
The Right Manis the first inside account of a historic year in the Bush White House, by the presidential speechwriter credited with the phrase axis of evil David Frum helped make international head...
Talking as Fast as I Can: From G...
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER In this collection of personal essays, the beloved star of Gilmore Girls and Parenthood reveals stories about life, love, and working as a woman in Hollywoodalong with be...