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Eckankar: Illuminated Way Letter...
Book by Twitchell, Paul - ISBN10: 0914766252 ISBN13: 9780914766254 Material Type: hardcover
Monkeying With the Flood The Wor...
A slightly modified version of the story of Noahs ark in which two monkeys assist Noah throughout t - ISBN10: 0890157367 ISBN13: 9780890157367 Material Type: hardcover
The Daily Walk Bible With 365 De...
Book by Wilkinson, Bruce H, Wallace, Peter M, Hoover, John W - ISBN10: 0842379169 ISBN13: 9780842379168 Material Type: hardcover
Why Us? When Bad Things Happen t...
Understand why bad things can happen to Christians - ISBN10: 0800752082 ISBN13: 9780800752088 Material Type: paperback
The Tao of PoohThe Te of Piglet ...
Explains Taoism by the way WinniethePooh lives by its principles, and the Taoist principle of Te, - ISBN10: 0525486097 ISBN13: 9780525486091 Material Type: hardcover
Exploring Reality: The Intertwin...
Reality is multilayered, asserts the Reverend John Polkinghorne, and in this insightful book he exp - ISBN10: 0300110146 ISBN13: 9780300110142 Material Type: hardcover
SystemsSensitive Leadership: Emp...
Book by Armour, Michael C, Browning, Don - ISBN10: 0899008143 ISBN13: 9780899008141 Material Type: paperback
Mindfulness in Plain English [Pa...
A masterpieceJon KabatZinnMindfulness in Plain English was first published in 1994, is one of the bestselling and most influential books in the field of mindfulness Its easy to see whyAuthor Bhan...
NIV Womens Devotional Bible 2 Zo...
If you enjoyed the enormously popular Womens Devotional Bible, youll love its timely and attractive counterpart The Womens Devotional Bible 2 combines all the features of its bestselling predecesso...
The Song of the Seed: The Monast...
Collects meditations for a series of three tenday retreats drawn from Benedictine spirituality - ISBN10: 0060695528 ISBN13: 9780060695521 Material Type: hardcover
Falling for You Again The Four S...
Charlie and Esther Moore have been married nearly fifty years when the contented life theyve built together begins to crumble Esther has been forgetful recently, but its rarely a problem until the ...
The I Ching: The Book of Changes...
One of the most important books in the history of Oriental culture is the I Ching, or as it is usually called in English, the Book of Changes Its basic text seems to have been prepared before 1,000...
The Quantum and the Lotus: A Jou...
Matthieu Ricard trained as a molecular biologist, working in the lab of a Nobel prizewinning scientist, but when he read some Buddhist philosophy, he became drawn to Buddhism Eventually he left his...
The Book of Ancient Wisdom: Over...
Nothing is so unbelievable that oratory cannot make it acceptableCiceroNowadays, flattery wins friends, truth hatredTerenceMemorable quotes from Socrates, Euripides, Plutarch, Sophocles, Marcus Aur...
The Power of a Positive Mom: Gif...
Trade book for moms about being positive in their relationships and attitudesProvided by publisher - ISBN10: 1582292914 ISBN13: 9781582292915 Material Type: paperback
The Celtic Devotional: Daily Pra...
Celtic spirituality emphasizes the appreciation of nature and all forms of lifea popular and universally appealing philosophy that, along with other related pagan traditions, is having a renaissanc...
Prayer: Conversing With God Rink...
Prayer is a dialogue between two persons who love each other With this profound insight, Rosalind Rinker writer, missionary, and dedicated evangelical worker gives the key to a simple yet powerfu...
Hawaiian Religion Magic Cunning...
This is the first book solely devoted to the spirituality of the Hawaiian people and how taboos, superstitions and magical practices permeated and defined every aspect of their lives With a histori...
Magic of Food: Legends, Lore Sp...
Complete with instruction on everything you need, The Magic in Food provides recipes and direction, fasc inating food lore and practical spells you can do in the pri vacy of your own home Its a boo...
Sister Wit: Devotions for Women ...
Featuring a combination of powerful devotions and inspirational quotes for meditation, SISTER WIT addresses all the trials and triumphs that encompass a womans life Jacqueline Jakes explores four a...
Amazed by Grace [Paperback] McDo...
Inspirational book on how to live a Christian life, filled by Gods grace ISBN10: 1931475148 ISBN13: 9781931475143 Material Type: paperback