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Children's Books
Frosty the Snowman A Big Golden ...
Adapted from the song of the same nameand first published in 1950 Retold by Annie North Bedford Pi - ISBN10: B000WURF7Y ISBN13: B000WURF7Y Material Type: hardcover
Secrets in a Box Adventures in A...
Provides an introduction to the American artists work, presenting examples of his works with a disc - ISBN10: 3791329286 ISBN13: 9783791329284 Material Type: hardcover
A Short Tail Christopher Churchm...
Teaches that God cares about what is on the inside rather than the outside when a mousetrap damages - ISBN10: 0896934993 ISBN13: 9780896934993 Material Type: hardcover
Monkeying With the Flood The Wor...
A slightly modified version of the story of Noahs ark in which two monkeys assist Noah throughout t - ISBN10: 0890157367 ISBN13: 9780890157367 Material Type: hardcover
Merida 3: The Ghostly Horse Disn...
Merida, star of Disney?Pixar Brave and the independent Highland princess who inspired a generation - ISBN10: 0736435158 ISBN13: 9780736435154 Material Type: hardcover
Lily: Tianas Helpful Kitten Disn...
Princess Tiana has a sweet kitten named Lily Children ages 6 to 9 will love the latest installment - ISBN10: 0736433937 ISBN13: 9780736433938 Material Type: paperback
B Is for Bethlehem: A Christmas ...
Graceful couplets and radiant collage art tell the story of the Christian Nativity in an alphabet bo - ISBN10: 0525473238 ISBN13: 9780525473237 Material Type: board_book
I Like Winter Lois Lenski Books ...
Sleds and snowman and singing Christmas carols the joys of wintertime are celebrated in this beaut - ISBN10: 0375810684 ISBN13: 9780375810688 Material Type: hardcover
The Great Big Fire Engine Book G...
Clang, clang, clang goes the fire engine bellThe brave firemen are off to save the day For the fi - ISBN10: 0307103218 ISBN13: 9780307103215 Material Type: hardcover
Prince Caspian: This Is Narnia I...
Full color movie still cover & interior; Text based on script - ISBN10: 0061231622 ISBN13: 9780061231629 Material Type: paperback
I Love Cats Stainton, Sue and Mo...
Fat cats, thin cats, dancing cats, prancing cats cats are wonderful in any shape, size, or co - ISBN10: 0060851546 ISBN13: 9780060851545 Material Type: hardcover
The Story of Little Black Sambo ...
A retelling of the wellknown tale in which a little black boy finally outwits the succession of tigers that want to eat him - ISBN10: 1929766556 ISBN13: 9781929766550 Material Type: hardcover
Wild Indians And Other Common Mi...
The summer Carol Keels arrived in Colombia, South America in 1971, she had visions of moving into a village of indigenous people, learning their language, translating the Bible into this language, ...
Jonathans Journey Bell, Katherin...
Born with severe handicaps, Jonathan awakens one night to be carried away by Jesus, who answers his questions and shows him the major events of the Bible - ISBN10: 1579210783 ISBN13: 9781579210786 ...
Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain...
Combining Delias delightful and highly popular teddy bear art with a magical tale, this book takes us into the fascinating world of the evershrinking rain forest in Suriname As we spend a day with ...
The Crockpot Cooking Marilyn Nei...
More Than 300 Recipes by Marilyn Neill Especially for the busy cook - ISBN10: 030749263X ISBN13: 9780307492630 Material Type: hardcover
One More Bunny: Adding from One ...
Bunnies frolicking at the playground introduce the numbers one through ten and the principles of simple addition - ISBN10: 0688168477 ISBN13: 9780688168476 Material Type: hardcover
The Seven Ravens Grimm, Jacob; G...
A little girl walks to the end of the world to find her seven brothers and free them from enchantment - ISBN10: 0060235527 ISBN13: 9780060235529 Material Type: hardcover
Daddy Day, Daughter Day Larry Ki...
In a lavishly illustrated childrens book, the host of Larry King Live and his daughter recount the true story of his divorce and show how quality moments together can help heal the pain of divorce ...
The Light of Christmas [Hardcove...
Since the beginning of the world, God has brought light to darkness And Jesus birth was no different Into a world dark with sin came the Light from heaven, Jesus Christ The Light of Christmas shows...
A Nonny Mouse Writes Again [Hard...
Illus in full color In this exuberant sequel to Poems of A Nonny Mouse, Ms Mouse has again enlisted the assistance of Jack Prelutsky to help her reclaim poems previously attributed to Anonymous Her...
The Encounter Animorphs3 Applega...
Warned never to stay in his animal shape for more than two hours, Tobias forgets when he becomes involved in a rescue campaign and faces being trapped in a hawks body forever ISBN10: 0590629794 IS...