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Case Studies in Forensic Account...
The Forensic and Investigative Accounting Casebook is a collection of ProblemBased Learning cases d - ISBN10: 0808041932 ISBN13: 9780808041931 Material Type: paperback
The Money Game Adam Smith
This is a modern classic ??Paul A Samuelson, First American Nobel Prize Winner in EconomicsT - ISBN10: 0394436679 ISBN13: 9780394436678 Material Type: hardcover
27 Powers of Persuasion: Simple ...
27 Powers of Persuasion: Simple Strategies to Win Allies and Seduce Audiences by Chris St Hilaire Prentice Hall Pr,2010 - ISBN10: 0735204519 ISBN13: 9780735204515 Material Type: hardcover
Free to Choose: A Personal State...
A Nobel Prizewinning economist and his wife argue that freemarket forces work better than government controls for achieving real equality and security, protecting consumers and workers, providing e...
Good to Great and the Social Sec...
Building upon the concepts introduced in Good to Great, Jim Collins answers the most commonly asked questions raised by his readers in the social sectors Using information gathered from interviews ...
A Walk in the Market [Hardcover]...
A Walk in the Market sets forth key concepts and principles of FCCI Fellowship of Companies for Christ International that have evolved over nearly forty years They are illustrated by riveting testi...
The Coming Currency Collapse and...
Clarifies the reasons for the money crisis and its relationship to inflation, and details measures that can be taken to avoid hyperinflation - ISBN10: 0916728412 ISBN13: 9780916728410 Material Type...
Quest for the Best Marcus, Stanley
The former head of NeimanMarcus stores recounts his lifelong pursuit of quality merchandise, examines the greats and notsogreats of the retailbusiness world, and applies his rigorous standards to a...
Time Series Analysis: Forecastin...
A modernized new edition of one of the most trusted books on time series analysis Since publication of the first edition in 1970, Time Series Analysis has served as one of the most influential and ...
Intermediate Excel Excel Essenti...
- ISBN10: 1950902714 ISBN13: 9781950902712 Material Type: hardcover
Introduction to Business [Paperb...
Book by Madura, Jeff ISBN10: 0763836206 ISBN13: 9780763836207 Material Type: paperback
Getting Yours: The Complete Guid...
Now in its third edition, this national bestseller is expanded to include statebystate listings of financial aid to businessesThe Federal government has money State governments have money Now you c...
Student Workbook for Greens 3,2,...
The student workbook is designed to help you retain key chapter content Youll find helpful chapter objective questions; keyterm definition queries; and multiplechoice, fillintheblank, and trueorfal...
eBay For Dummies Collier, Marsha
The leading guide for eBay buyers and sellers, updated to give you all the essentials for buying and selling on eBayMore than 112 million people regularly use eBay To find the best deals and make t...
Priceless: StraightShooting, NoF...
What would you call a book that offered proven tips to dumping debt, managing money, and was actually fun to read? We call it Priceless and its the brand new book by New York Times bestselling aut...
Introduction to Banking Casu, Ba...
Provides a comprehensive introduction to theoretical and applied issues relating to the global banking industry The text is organised into four main Sections: Introduction to Banking; Central Banki...
Power Talking Walther, George R
Exposes powersapping language techniques and offers advice on substituting power talking methods to increase business success, strengthen relationships, and achieve happiness and selffulfillment I...
Visualizing Change: A datadriven...
A collection of powerful visuals showing how the world is changing, this infographic book dives into tech, markets, and the global economyIts the best work from Visual Capitalist, all in one placeR...
Mexicans Americans: Cracking th...
Understand why good neighbors are separated by the meaning of yesWhether negotiating a delivery date, launching a local franchise or renting a car in Mexico City, speaking the language and knowing ...
The Management of Investment Dec...
Investment pros know: skyrocket stocks and highflying money managers come and go, but you only achieve superior longterm results by sticking with a sound, prudent, wellconceived investment plan In ...
The Great Texas Banking Crash: A...
During the decades from 1982 to 1992, Texas banks failed at a rate unprecedented in United States history, even including the Great Depression of the 1930s In all, 506 Texas commercial banks failed...